Friday, January 13, 2012

So, the Latest Latest

Now have to change the "Latest" board, which as of early last week has read:
My latest writing work: a flash fiction for an online competition. 100 words story, or about a moment, inspired by something on YouTube. No lo credo, but instantly thought of the beautiful Orkney lament "The Heroes of Longhope" about 8 guys from the tiny village of Longhope who were drowned in a lifeboat capsize in the late '60s. The village was literally decimated. One woman lost a husband and two sons. And 20 minutes later, flash fiction we have.
Now am truly amazed and also thrilled Friday morning to have received a post from the convener - organiser? instigator? of the anthology, saying the Heroes of Longhope story wd. be included in the published 100. Wow! That has to be the fastest written, submitted and accepted of anything I ever wrote - not to mention the smallest, so far as publication goes!

The 100 writers to go in the antho are listed here

I only know one other person in the list, but congrats to everyone on it, and congrats to everyone who entered a story. Flash-fiction is flipping hard!

Title is still to be decided, but the entire antho sales proceeds will go to One in Four, a UK charity, and I think it's kinda neat that a tune about a great loss shd. be included in an anthology raising funds for those who have also suffered losses, of a different kind. I like to think Ronnie Aim, the composer, and maybe the Heroes themselves would like this follow-on.