Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Air in Spring in Geneva

Audible have just released the audiobook of the Doings of Anton (aka my novella "Spring in Geneva," read by Jesse Einstein, who did the three first Everran books for Audible a couple of years ago.

He is a wonderful narrator - till I heard him read the first few pages of Everran's Bane I never thought I cd. write so well, heh. And he has done it again with "Geneva." Only heard the first scene, but he brings out the sly humour as well as the over-the-top early -19th Century sensibility that I was thinking of for Anton.

AND, nowadays Audible are doing a bit of promoting, too. I have or can get, nine, count 'em, nine free copies of the audio-book for friends, promotion etc.

Three have gone to friends/family - esp. people who had a part in writing "Geneva" - and two I am keeping in reserve, but the other four are up for grabs.
The link to the book on Audible is again, here.

So, if you read this blog, and want to check out the first few pages, there's where to click.
And if you want a free copy, add a comment on this post.

First come first served, as Anton would NOT have said.


  1. I'm going to grant you immediate permission to change the first come, first served principle if four more people that are your regular readers post right after me, because actually, this is a first time visit for me. I'm a huge Andrea Host fan and she linked to you on a blog post today and so I followed the link and, ooh, look, possible free reading (listening) -- I can't turn that down. I'd love to listen. But it's also okay if you would rather give the audio versions away to people who are devoted fans, because I can understand that, too. I think you can get my email from the id, but if not, sarah at sarahwynde-dot-com works.

    1. Hiya Sarah, thanx for contacting me!

      Giving away to new readers is fine, I've already spent a few of the 10 on estabished such. This is an attempt to spread the goodies around a bit more.

      OK, I hope this procedure works for you, so far it has for 4 of 5 people, but one who used Audible.UK had a bit of a go round.

      Instructions are as follows:

      You need to be registered at Audible/Amazon to redeem a code – if you aren’t, you'll be prompted to register prior to redemption – but you do not need a paid membership plan.
      (You can then skip step 1 if you like and go direct to Step 2.)

      1.      Go to

      2.      Go to my audiobook’s listing at

      3.      Add my audiobook to your cart and click the shopping cart icon at the top right hand corner of the website.

      4.      If prompted, sign into your account or create a new Audible account.

      5.      Beneath the audiobook in your cart, you will see “Do you have a promotional code?” Click on this link, enter your promo code, and click “Apply Code”. Please know that only one promo code can be applied per purchase.
      6.      Click “Next Step” and then click “Complete Purchase”.

      The code for you, Sarah, is


      If this doesn't work, though it shd., get back to me here and I will query Audible about it.

      I have been an Andrea Host fan for years, though more of her adult fantasy. I hope you enjoy this one too, though you may find it a bit different!!

  2. Replies
    1. I meant to write hello, i would like to read/listen tona book written by a person who influenced andrea k host.

    2. Hiya Full Circle, and thanx for wanting to have a go at something completely different....

      OK, as I said to Sarah above, I hope this procedure works for you; so far it has for 4 of 5 people, but one who used Audible.UK had a bit of a go round.

      Instructions are as follows:

      You need to be registered at Audible/Amazon to redeem a code – if you aren’t, you'll be prompted to register prior to redemption – but you do not need a paid membership plan.
      (You can then skip step 1 if you like and go direct to Step 2.)

      1. Go to

      2. Go to my audiobook’s listing at

      3. Add my audiobook to your cart and click the shopping cart icon at the top right hand corner of the website.

      4. If prompted, sign into your account or create a new Audible account.

      5. Beneath the audiobook in your cart, you will see “Do you have a promotional code?” Click on this link, enter your promo code, and click “Apply Code”. Please know that only one promo code can be applied per purchase.
      6. Click “Next Step” and then click “Complete Purchase”.

      The code for you is


      If this doesn't work, though it shd., get back to me here and I will query Audible about it.

      Hope you enjoy this one, though you may find it a bit different from Andrea's work - which I do still love, heh.
